

ADA website audit

以ADA网站审核开始ADA网站可访问性之旅,以评估您网站的当前状态. We provide an automated and manual website audit. 我们的ADA无障碍专家遵循经过验证的方法(辅助和人工智能),并使用必要的工具进行ADA网站无障碍审核.

Read more 关于ADA网站审核

ADA website audit


ADA Compliant
Website Design

As website accessibility has become one of the topmost priorities, 你必须专注于改善用户体验,并将数字包容性业务作为优先事项. We offer great digital experiences to users by complying with WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1, WCAG 2.2 standards. We strive to maintain seamless and consistent navigation, 使用适当的色彩对比, proper labelling, clear headings, 响应式设计.

Read more 关于ADA兼容的网站设计

ADA Compliant
Website Design


Accessible Website

Whether you require new ADA compliant website development, remediate any accessibility issues on existing website, 我们的web开发团队将实现可访问的web解决方案,并提供符合W3C为XHTML设定的最高标准的引人入胜的用户体验, HTML 5, CSS, WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1, WCAG 2.第2节和第508节标准. Whether your website is built on WordPress, Drupal, Shopify, Wix或任何平台, we ensure effortless user experience for everyone. We stay on top of the latest accessibility standards.

Read more 无障碍网站开发

Accessible Website


Mobile App ADA

The American with Disabilities Act (ADA) must be weighed when developing mobile applications. 因为我们是IAAP和W3C的成员, 我们的团队不断学习和适应可访问性方面的最新突破. We audit mobile apps; and evaluate their functionalities against the requirement set by the W3C and Web Accessibility Initiative WCAG 2.1, and 2.2. It includes apps built with Android, iOS, Flutter, Ionic, and React Native. 我们确保提供方便的导航, 多媒体文稿, 清除错误信息, 感性设计色彩, etc. to make sure about the best mobile user experience.

Read more about Mobile App ADA可访问性修复

Mobile App ADA


WCAG / ADA Website

您是否正在寻找修复您现有的网站与或不改变现有的设计,以符合ADA, WCAG 2.1 or Section 508 or California Unruh Act or other State accessibility laws? By meeting WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 standards, make your website accessible and usable for everyone. 我们的可访问性审计是为了识别和修复网站的差距,相对于大多数最新的WCAG 2.符合X, A和AA. By starting early, 你可以减少你的法律风险,同时更好地为最需要数字访问的社区服务!

WCAG / ADA Website



We provide ADA accessibility remediation service for any digital assets including PDFs, docs, PPT, ePUB, audio files, videos, 语义结构, tables, generating mathML, and more.




Regular ADA website accessibility maintenance and monitoring includes quarterly half yearly, and yearly monitoring and maintenance of the website. The ADA website monitoring and maintenance of the website includes new pages or new content updates, 更新导航, headings, tags, remediating any new section on the website on a regular basis.




We provide full-service digital accessibility consulting from audit, remediation and support for any size of websites irrespective of the platform website is built, according to WCAG and ADA compliance standards! With web accessibility consulting services, 我们帮助组织实现他们的网站可访问性目标,使他们的网站更具包容性. 我们为任何规模的企业提供具有成本效益的网络可访问性解决方案,以便每个人都能参与到实现在线包容的全球努力中来.



Web Accessibility

We do an automated and manual testing for every function and every part of a website. We use various web accessibility evaluation tools and technologies including WAVE, NVDA, JAWs, 画外音屏幕阅读器, ZoomText, Google Talkback, and more. We are an ISO 9001 certified company to provide quality assurance and efforts to quality control.

Web Accessibility


Australian DDA
Web Accessibility

Is your website compliant with the Australian Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)? 我们的专家团队提供符合澳大利亚DDA无障碍法规的网页设计服务.

Read more about Australian DDA Web Accessibility

Australian DDA
Web Accessibility


All in One辅助功能

All in One辅助功能小部件基于辅助技术,可以帮助组织提高任何网站的可访问性和可用性. 2分钟即可完成安装. The All in One辅助功能 widget's free version makes website compliant up to 20%; while the Pro version (annual subscription) makes website compliant up to 40%.

With a goal to reach everyone and improve digital accessibility with positive impact, we have developed All in One辅助功能 widget which improves the accessibility of the website. It provides quick website remediation for any CMS and the ecommerce platform-based website.

Read more 关于All In One可访问性

All in One辅助功能


No Design Limits / Intuitive and Attractive Design

我们不仅遵循WCAG标准,还坚持最佳设计实践,以提高网站的可访问性. 我们移除了旋转木马, 使用合适的配色方案, add headings to properly structure and organize the content, 重新排序可见的页面元素, remove any text embedded in the images, 向图像添加描述性文本, and more that makes the job of screen readers and assistive technologies easier. The design possibilities to make websites intuitively accessible to everyone are endless. 我们建立的网站不仅美观,而且方便残障人士使用和访问网页上的各种元素.


With experienced web designers, we continuously evolve and adapt to stay ahead of the curve. 我们专注于帮助我们的客户利用无障碍的好处,避免席卷全国的法律诉讼. Our team of web designers ensures your website is customized and ADA and WCAG compliant. We expand your target personas to include people with varied disabilities, 创建一个定制的设计和互动的网页元素,非常适合低视力或没有视力的人, color blindness, 物理限制, 或者依赖各种辅助技术(如屏幕阅读器)的认知障碍患者, 语音输入设备, etc.


If you own an ecommerce store or plan to have one, without meeting the needs of people with special needs, you would be losing out on massive business opportunities. 我们可以帮助改善现有电子商务网站的可访问性和用户体验,并启用屏幕阅读器, 用于视觉内容的文本文本, on-screen keyboard, sitemap.


With mobile phones becoming an indispensable part of our lives, we handle all aspects of mobile apps including fixing accessibility issues diligently. We remediate design as per ADA and WCAG standards to improve the interactivity of apps. We adopt technologies like TalkBack and VoiceOver to help visually impaired users. 从调色板中选择适当的(暗对比)颜色,以清楚地指示错误消息和易于看到的标签,从而使表单更具可读性.

Quick Turnaround

With the larger ADA website accessibility team and years of experience, we can provide a quick ADA website remediation service and solution based on a client’s requirements.


有几家公司由于忽视了网站的可访问性而面临《pg电子竞技》的诉讼. Based on clients’ requirements, we can remediate the website with WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 guidelines. In the long run, 通过减少《pg电子竞技》的诉讼风险, 我们帮您节省时间, money, resources, 并保持品牌形象的完整.


Increasing website accessibility is a competitive advantage. When your website is accessible to all, 用户体验将得到改善, 跳出率可能会下降. This helps to cater to a large segment of potential buyers, and ultimately increases the chances to increase the inbound traffic significantly over a period.

Increase the chance to reach wider audience!

There are approximately 61 million US adults living with disabilities. ADA和WCAG网站可访问性增强了网站的可访问性,使其能够接触到更广泛的受众. Alt texts are useful for both search engines and people with disabilities. Video transcripts allow the search engines to discover and index your multimedia content. An accessible internet is a total win-win.


When your website is accessible, people with disabilities are the strong advocates of the company. 我们牢记最终目标 & 遵循ADA和WCAG的指导方针. People with disabilities promote and patronize websites if they are accessible, usable, 数字化包容性. Like a breath of fresh air, your website would be a go-to place for most of the users.

Top Benefits of ADA网站无障碍 Remediation Service

  • 扩大市场渗透
  • 在直观的设计上没有妥协
  • 提高网站可见性
  • 有机会接触到更广泛的目标受众
  • 更好的用户体验和可用性
  • 获得竞争优势
  • Reduce the chance of legal complications


A Practical Resource Guide for Achieving Digital Accessibility Compliance

Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG)提供了技术规范,以提高Web内容的可访问性, websites, and web applications on desktop computers, laptops, tablets and mobile devices for people with a wide range of disabilities — including auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, 语言及视觉障碍.



ADA网站可访问性补救指的是消除和修复阻碍互动的障碍的包容性实践, 或者访问网站, 残障人士.

The Department of Justice has clearly laid out requirements for compliance with laws. These are very close to adopting WCAG guidelines. Some of the requirements of ADA website accessibility are

  • Offer text alternatives for non-text content
  • 提供多媒体的替代方案
  • Proper foreground and background color contrast
  • 键盘接口
  • 给用户时间限制控制
  • 为用户提供导航方式
  • Publish readable and understandable text content
  • 支持辅助技术

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)是W3C与全球各地的个人和组织合作制定的, 其目标是为满足个人需求的web内容可访问性提供一个单一的共享标准, organizations, 国际上的政府. We remediate the website which can meet WCAG standards. Request a Quote to know more.

Yes. We can make your ecommerce store or website ADA compliant based on your requirement. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 contact us.

There is no one reason to make a website ADA complaint. Initially, companies started improving ADA accessibility to avoid legal lawsuits. 但人们发现,提高网站的可访问性实际上是在创造积极的影响,并改善用户体验. Also, as a socially conscious enterprise, we give utmost importance to website accessibility.

Yes, whether you require an ADA website remediation service for Drupal website or online store, 我们提供完整的解决方案. 请与我们联系以了解更多.

Of course, Yes! Get a quick quote with your requirements and we will get back to you soon.

Yes. We have the requisite competence to make websites of any scale ADA compliant. 我们有以前的经验与企业级的应用程序工作,使他们访问到每个人,并坚持ADA指导方针.

WCAG guidelines are categorized into 3 levels of conformance, each is progressively harder – A (lowest), AA (mid-range), AAA (highest). Conformance at higher levels ensures automatic conformance at the lower levels. Level A sets minimum accessibility standards and doesn’t include broader accessibility. Level A is a subset of level AA with 25 criteria that you have to meet to reach level A. Level AA requires a bit more commitment. To reach level AA, you have to meet 13 more criteria besides the 25 for level A. However, it is recommended to go for AA conformance for all websites.

ADA网站的可访问性通过语音搜索等各种功能改善了整体用户体验, 提高内容可读性, 键盘无障碍导航, video transcripts, Alt文本描述, and more.


Yes. Starting from consultation to maintenance and support; we offer complete ADA website accessibility services including ADA website audit, 符合ADA的网页设计, development, remediation, support, regular monitoring, and more.

ADA Web Accessibility Guidelines are the De facto standard for digital accessibility. 这是一套国际公认的由国际网络标准组织制定的数字可访问性指南, the W3C.

Given the repercussions, you can’t afford to ignore ADA compliance for your website. If your website fails to meet ADA/WCAG guidelines, you risk lawsuits and hefty penalties. 当人们发现你的公司存在歧视时,这将影响他们的看法和未来的购买决定.

Absolutely not. ADA accessible website design is all about having simple, easily accessible, 以及可导航的界面. Although it is true that web accessibility places a few design limitations on the websites. But that doesn’t mean you have to compromise on the design. You just have to make a few adjustments such as font size, color palette, etc.

Yes, we can remediate your WordPress website as per ADA, Section 508, WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 guidelines. The first step would be to request a quote and submit all the details, 并且可以从那里继续前进.

有许多选项来修复现有的网站-如果你需要快速修复你的网站, we provide a web accessibility widget – All in One辅助功能. The different pro plan of All in One辅助功能 costs $250, $490, and $999 annually. And if you require a complete ADA website remediation solution, we provide a full ADA website accessibility solution. The cost of a full website remediation solution depends on the website size, number of digital assets included on the website, 这个网站是多么的合规啊, accessibility compliance level requirements, 问题的难度和严重性, and more.

Yes. We provide white label ADA Compliant website solution to web design & development agencies, firms, IT solution providers, consultancy or any entity who are interested. 与我们联系 to know more.

There are many websites providing free automated audit; but in reality one would need manual and automated ADA website audit from ADA experts.

GET STARTED WITH ADA Website Remediation And Accessibility!

Let’s take a multi-faceted approach to ensure your website, app, 或者所有人都可以访问数字资产! Whether you want to remediate an existing website / ecommerce store or mobile app, 要求免费报价!
